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3 September 2024
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International Composites Summit

4–5 September 2024; Milton Keynes, UK

Composites UK; Tel: +44 (1442) 817502; [email protected]; https://compositesuk.co.uk/events/international-composites-summit

Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress

11–13 September 2024; Dornbirn, Austria

Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress Office; Tel: +43 (1) 319-2909-41; Fax: +43 (1) 319-2909-31; [email protected]; http://www.dornbirn-gfc.com

CINTE Techtextil China

19–21 September 2024; Shanghai, China

Jason Taylor, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; Tel: +852 2230-9296; Fax: +852 2598-7919; [email protected]; https://cinte-techtextil-china.hk.messefrankfurt.com/shanghai/en.html

Advanced Textiles Expo

24–26 September 2024; Anaheim, California, USA

Amy Collins, Advanced Textiles Association; Tel: +1 651 225 6970; [email protected]; https://www.textiles.org/event/ifai-expo-2023


24–26 September 2024; Rome, Italy

Delphine Rens, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, EDANA; Tel: +32 (2) 740-1822; Fax: +32 (2) 733-3518; [email protected]; https://www.edana.org/events/outlook/outlook-2022

Textile Rental Services Association (TRSA) 111th Annual Conference

24–26 September 2024; Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Susie Jackson, Textile Rental Services Association; Tel: +1 (540) 632-1933; [email protected]; https://web.cvent.com/event/c071cff4-6692-45ed-ab36-198fe47e456a/summary

FESPA Mexico

26–28 September 2024; Mexico City, Mexico

Leighona Aris, FESPA; Tel: +44 (1737) 228160; [email protected]; https://www.fespa.com


—OCTOBER 2024—


Research, Innovation and Science for Engineered Fabrics (RISE) 2024

1–2 October 2024; Raleigh, North Calrolina, USA

MIsty Ayers, Marketing Coordinator, INDA (Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry); Tel: +1 (919) 459-3712; [email protected]; https://www.riseconf.net/

Textile Discovery Summit

6–8 October 2024; Savannah, Georgia, USA

Kim Nicholson, AATCC; Tel: +1 (919) 549-8141; [email protected]; https://aatcc.org/events


14–18 October 2024; Shanghai, China

Daphne Poon, ITMA Services; Tel: +65 9478-9543; [email protected]; https://www.itmaasia.com

Performance Days

23–24 October 2024; Munich, Germany

Design and Development GmbH Textile Consult; Tel: 49 (89) 9394-6060; [email protected]; https://www.performancedays.com

Advanced Engineering

30–31 October 2024; Birmingham, UK

Alison Willis, Divisional Director, Easy Fairs; Tel: +44 (20) 3196-4303; [email protected]; https://www.advancedengineeringuk.com/




Filtech 2024

12–14 November 2024; Cologne, Germany

Suzanne Abetz, Filtech Exhibitions Germany; Tel: +49 (2132) 935760; [email protected]; http://www.filtech.de


18–21 November 2024; Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Tracie Leatham, INDA (Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry); Tel: +1 (919) 459-3726; [email protected]; https://www.hygienix.org


—APRIL 2025—



29 April–1 May 2025; Miami Beach, Florida, USA

Misty Ayers, INDA (Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry); Tel: +1 (919) 459-3712; Fax: +1 (919) 459-3701; [email protected]; https://www.ideashow.org


—MAY 2025—


Techtextil North America

6–8 May 2025; Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Kristy Meade, Show Director, Messe Frankfurt Inc; Tel: +1 (770) 984-8016, x 2428; Fax: +1 (770) 984-8023; [email protected]; https://techtextil-north-america.us.messefrankfurt.com

Texprocess Americas

6–8 May 2025; Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Kristy Meade, Show Director, Messe Frankfurt Inc; Tel: +1 (770) 984-8016, x 2428; Fax: +1 (770) 984-8023; [email protected]; https://texprocess-americas.us.messefrankfurt.com/atlanta/en.html


—AUGUST 2025—


International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM)

4–8 August 2025; Baltimore, Maryland, UK

Kristen Scully, Administrative Assistant, University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials; Tel: +1 (302) 831-8149; Fax: +1 (302) 831-8525; [email protected]; https://iccm23.org


—OCTOBER 2025—



28–31 October 2025; Singapore,

Daphne Poon, ITMA Services; Tel: +65 9478-9543; [email protected]; https://www.itmaasia.com


—MAY 2026—



19–22 May 2026; Geneva, Switzerland

Magali Fakhry Dufresne, Palexpo SA; Tel: +41 (22) 761-1061; [email protected]; https://www.indexnonwovens.com


—MAY 2027—


NPE: The Plastics Show

3–7 May 2027; Orlando, Florida, USA

Ashley Stoney, Plastics Industry Association; Tel: +1 (202) 974-5210; Fax: +1 (202) 296-7005; [email protected]; http://www.npe.org





16–22 September 2027; Hannover, Germany

ITMA Services; Tel: +65 6849-9368; [email protected]; https://itma.com